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Josef Leberer, Ayrton’s fitness trainer in F1, visits the Ayrton Senna Institute

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Hamilton receives Ayrton Senna Trophy for his third F1 title and says: “It’s my favorite”

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Remember the day when Ayrton Senna revealed who he considered his greatest rival

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On Science day, take a look back at the F1 innovations that made their way to our cars

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Design makes the difference, from helmets do F1 racecars

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Lewis Hamilton: third F1 title is special for equaling his idol, Ayrton Senna

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Primeiro PlayStation 4 produzido no Brasil será leiloado e fundo será revertido para o Instituto Ayrton Senna

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No Dia do Cão, relembre a relação de Ayrton com seus cachorros

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In the land where Senna won his three world titles, Hamilton matches his idol’s record of 41 victories