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Corinthians homenageia Ayrton Senna neste sábado

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Kartódromo Ayrton Senna reopens at Interlagos

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Confira alguns dos capacetes que estão expostos na mostra “Senna na Cabeça e no Coração”

“Senna na Cabeça e no Coração” chega ao Shopping Anália Franco nesta quarta-feira

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Oficial Senninha Facebook page debuts this Monday. For now the official page will be only in Portuguese

“Ayrton” exhibit welcomes fans in Italy, starting this Thursday

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The World Champion of Surf, Gabriel Medina visited the Ayrton Senna Institute and won a surfboard with the Senna’s helmet colours

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Time to slow down and recharge the batteries

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Homenagens a Ayrton Senna marcam final da Stock Car